Time with Tim
Date and Time
Wednesday Aug 14, 2024
8:15 AM - 8:45 AM PDT
Every second Wednesday of the month from 8:00am to 8:45am.
This month Time with Tim will be held at Mark Shimizu Design located at 9070 Windsor Road, Windsor, just a short jaunt from the Windsor Depot.

It's time for coffee with Tim!
As the Town of Windsor's Economic Development Manager, Tim Ricard brings us up-to-date every month with the latest on economic development, planning, business news, and resources at the government level.
We'll bring the coffee and donuts, you bring your questions (and maybe your own coffee mug, just to be green!)
For years, Tim has given his Town Update at the Chamber Board of Directors' monthly meeting, and it has been so informative that we are inspired to open it up to the community. Always elucidating and affable, Tim will speak from a short list of highlights and then answer your questions.
Want to know what's going on with the housing on Old Redwood Hwy? Want to know the latest news from the Town Council and how it impacts local business? Want to ask what is being done about sidewalks on Conde Lane? Come and ask your civil servant who is in-the-know. It's a casual setting and it's the perfect way to start one Wednesday per month.
It's free and open to the public --- join us!