Latinos Exitosos in Business June 2024
Date and Time
Thursday Jun 27, 2024
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM PDT
Los esperamos en el Holiday Inn de Windsor localizado en el 8755 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor CA 95492.
Tendremos cena gratis para todos los registrados.
This workshop will be held at the Windsor Holiday Inn, 8755 Old Redwood Hwy, Windsor CA 95492.
Delicious food and refreshments will be served.
The event is FREE to all.
Contact Information
Angie Campa
Send Email

Nos complace invitarlos a nuestro próximo taller diseñado especialmente para emprendedores principiantes como ustedes. Durante este evento, realizaremos actividades prácticas y cubriremos una variedad de temas que son esenciales para aquellos que están dando sus primeros pasos en el mundo empresarial.
Únanse a nosotros para aprender, compartir experiencias y conectarse con otros emprendedores de la comunidad latina. ¡Será una oportunidad invaluable para crecer y prosperar juntos!
We are pleased to invite you to our upcoming seminar designed especially for beginner entrepreneurs like yourselves. During this event, we will conduct practical activities and cover a variety of topics that are essential for those taking their first steps in the business world.
Join us to learn, share experiences, and connect with other entrepreneurs from the Latino community. It will be an invaluable opportunity to grow and prosper together!