Chamber Luncheon November 2023
Date and Time
Tuesday Nov 21, 2023
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM PST
Charlie's Restaurant at the Golf Club
1320 19th Hole Dr, Windsor CA 95492
$25 for members
$30 for non-members

Volunteer Recognition Luncheon This Month!
Please come join us to help thank the fantastic volunteers for the Windsor Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center over the last year. We are so grateful for their hard work and dedication!
We will also present the donation from the Windsor Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Center to the Redwood Empire Foodbank for the funds raised from the Chili Cook-Off event. Thank you REFB for being such an outstanding partner to the community!
Our Member of the Month: Kaiser Permanente
Featured Guest- Mark Millan - Data Instincts
Moderator- Veronica Siwy- Town of Windsor
Topic is "The Future of Water in Windsor"
Data Instincts is a recognized leader in research and reporting on public perception, public outreach and education, and managing community relations around water, recycled water, wastewater, desalination, and advanced water purification issues. This deep knowledge and understanding of the issues gives Data Instincts a unique set of capabilities when it comes to helping your audiences understand, buy-in, and support your agency’s objectives.