4Cs 2025 Champions for Children
Date and Time
Friday Nov 7, 2025
11:00 AM - 1:30 PM PST
Friday, November 7th from 11am-1:30pm
Iron & Vine, Bennett Valley Golf Course 3330 Yulupa Ave Santa Rosa, CA 95405
$75/Ticket Sponsorships Available
Contact Information
Taylor Fletcher
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The Champions for Children Recognition & Benefit Luncheon is a fundraiser for 4Cs, with proceeds benefiting thousands of low-income families in Sonoma County in need of quality child care and preschool programs. Quality early education is not only important to the development of the children we serve, but also allows parents and caretakers to continue to work or attain vocational education. With child care subsidies, families are able to get back on their feet and save towards a future life and home in Sonoma County. The purpose of Champions for Children is to celebrate and recognize the award recipients, who tell their stories through a video presentation. Champions are selected from public nominations by an independent Selection Committee, made up of local business and community leaders. The Champions for Children award recipients will express the values and principles of the 5 protective factors for families: Parental Resilience, Positive Social Connections, Concrete Support in Times of Need, Knowledge of Parenting and Child Development, and Social and Emotional Competence of Children. Our hope is that attendees will leave the Champions for Children Recognition luncheon feeling inspired to act on the mission of 4Cs: to provide access to quality child care and early education in Sonoma County through advocacy, direct service, and empowerment.